Reduce manual document reviews & fraud-related credit losses

Inscribe is the leader in detecting document fraud with AI and gives you a clear view of critical fraud signals, so you have the data you need to understand whether you should do business with an applicant.

Understanding fraud intelligence

Detect the undetectable

90% of document tampering goes undetected by manual review teams because most document fraud signals are invisible to the human eye — and you can’t catch what you can’t see. But with Inscribe, your team can detect the undetectable using the industry's most advanced AI and machine learning technology.

Why Fraud Intelligence?

Decrease losses with AI-powered fraud detection

Relying on manual document reviews means fraud attempts go undetected, but with Inscribe and the power of AI, your team will know in seconds if a document is fraudulent. Inscribe assigns a Trust Score and provides a snapshot of any fraud found, helping you quickly understand the trustworthiness of any documents received (and your applicants).

Make fact-based calls with clear proof of fraud

Sometimes an applicant seems suspicious, but your team needs more proof to make the right decision. Inscribe gives you a visual of exactly where in a document fraudulent alterations were made and provides a detailed explanation of the fraud found. You can even see if a previous version of a document exists (and what it looked like before).

Boost efficiency with automated review tasks

Don’t let your team get bogged down with tedious document reviews. Let Inscribe handle repetitive tasks that lead to employee burnout. Inscribe can automatically classify document types, parse key document details, verify names and addresses with details you have on file, and more so your team can focus on more complex problems. 

Ways to use Inscribe 

Process documents automatically with our easy-to-implement API.
Web App
Manually upload documents to the Inscribe web app.
Collect documents directly from your customer with our secure portal. 
“Inscribe helped open our eyes to new risks faced by our industry.”
“Catching fraudulent applications saves our team work and reduces evictions.”
“Inscribe gives us high confidence that fraud isn’t going to happen.”


New document fraud report

See what trends you need to be aware of to protect your business from fraud and credit losses.


What is fraud detection?
Fraud detection is the process of identifying and preventing fraudulent activities. It is crucial for businesses to detect and prevent fraud because it can cause significant financial losses, damage to the company's reputation, and even legal consequences.
What documents does Inscribe detect fraud on?
Inscribe supports a variety of documents that are used during onboarding and underwriting. These include bank statements, pay stubs, W-2s, utility bills, tax statements, and so much more.
Does Inscribe provide a fraud score?
Inscribe assigns a Fraud Rating at the customer-level and a Trust Score at the document-level. The Fraud Rating is an aggregate rating based on the customer documents you send to Inscribe while the Trust Score helps you understand the severity of the fraud found within a particular document.
Why is fraud detection important?
Fraud detection is important because it helps prevent financial losses, protects personal and sensitive information, maintains customer trust, and ensures compliance with regulations. It is a critical component of risk management and helps ensure the integrity and security of financial transactions and personal information.
What types of fraud can Inscribe’s fraud detection software detect?
Our fraud detection product can detect a wide range of fraud, including identity fraud, income fraud, application fraud, document fraud, and much more.
What are some benefits of using a fraud detection tool?
Some of the benefits of using Inscribe’s fraud detection product include increased fraud detection accuracy, reduced false positives, improved operational efficiency, increased win rates to due less customer dropoff, and decreased financial losses due to fraud.
Is Inscribe’s fraud detection solution scalable for businesses of different sizes?
Yes, our fraud management software is scalable and can be customized to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.
Can Inscribe’s fraud detection software be used in different industries?
Inscribe’s fraud detection product can be used in a variety of industries, including banking, property management, finance, e-commerce, marketplaces, mortgage lending, and insurance. It can be customized to fit specific industry requirements and compliance standards.
How does Inscribe detect document fraud accurately?
Inscribe uses the most advanced AI and machine learning technology to identify fraud. Because we created the document fraud detection category, we’ve built the largest, most diverse network of documents over time — meaning our AI models detect fraud others can’t. Learn more about how Inscribe detects document fraud by watching this video.
Does Inscribe have document automation or OCR features?
Inscribe can classify document types, extract or parse details from documents, and verify names, addresses, and account numbers.
Ready to get started?

See how Inscribe can help you reduce risk and grow revenue.